Prachi Jaiswal

What are phytonutrients? A Comprehensive guide

What are phytonutrients? A Comprehensive Guide

What are phytonutrients?

Let’s start this topic by a basic understanding of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are naturally occurring chemicals or compounds that are present in plants. They are also known as phytochemicals. Or you can also understand them as the chemicals produced by plants.

They have different roles or functions such as protecting the plant from insects or from UV radiations. Phytonutrients are bioactive substances. Now, to make it easier, let me explain what are bioactive compounds. In simple words, bioactive compound is a compound that has an effect on living organism. These compounds are known to be essential compounds.

Phytonutrients have an excellent effect on health of human beings and they may provide health benefits in treatment/prevention of various diseases and in disease management. Moreover, it can be said that phytonutrients have a positive impact on human health.

Do you know that researches say, that phytonutrients being natural compounds have less side-effects as compared to various therapies and treatments such as radiations and chemo-therapy? Furthermore, the best part about them is that they are cost-effective and are easily available. If used widely, they can help in reducing health care cost. Which we all know is way higher in these times.

Let me introduce you to the various bioactive phytonutrients. Some of the important phytonutrients include, polyphenols (you must have heard about them), terpenoids, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, carotenoids (another common phytonutrient), phytoestrogens, phytosterols, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics.  Now, let’s discuss about the characteristic values of these phytonutrients:

  • They are anti-microbial, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic
  • Neuroprotective, hepatoprotective (preventing damage to the liver), hypolipidemic and hypotensive.
  • They also aid in diabetes and osteoporosis management.

And this is not all, applications of phytonutrients are much wider.

Benefits/Efficacy of Phytonutrients

As mentioned above, we have seen that phytonutrients are loaded with ample amount of benefits corresponding to human health. Be it anti-oxidative properties or anti-carcinogenic or anti-inflammatory properties, they not only possess them, but are way rich in them.

So now, by seeing all these benefits, you might have a question, that What really is the efficacy of phytonutrients?

It is said by researchers that phytonutrients when consumed in diet have beneficial health benefits and promotes overall health. They protect against chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative disease and diabetes, hypertension etc.

Let’s take examples of few phytonutrients to understand the benefits/efficacy:

  • Carotenoids, tocopherols, lipoic acids and polyphenols have very strong anti-oxidative properties which helps to reduce the effect of free-radicals on your body.
  • Phytoestrogens may help in hormone replacement therapy and are also good for cardiovascular health. These phytonutrients are also known to help in menopausal symptoms.
  • Probiotics is another class of phytonutrients and generally constitutes the microorganisms from the following two classes: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. They are used for controlling weight gain or obesity, improves insulin sensitivity and also increases satiety.

It can be said that phytonutrients pose an immense amount of benefits to the human health, but there are some factors that should be kept in mind before consuming them. Such as amount, interaction with the body, and their effects on individuals under certain medical conditions.

Different phytonutrients and their benefits


  • They are naturally occurring compounds majorly found in fruits, vegetables, cereals and even chocolates and legumes.
  • Major sources include: cereals, legumes, nuts and oilseeds (flaxseeds, olive seeds), fruits and vegetables. Also found in tea, coffee, cocoa, beer and wine.
  • Generally, fruits include 200-300 mg of polyphenols per 100g. Dietary intake of polyphenols may be about 1g per day.

Therapeutic property:

  • These are generally available as fortified nutraceuticals and their health benefits include:
  • Influential anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-viral, anti-allergic, anti-aging and DNA protective properties.


It is a natural compound make by plants when they are under stress and under the attack of pathogens. Most commonly found in grapes and peanuts. They are found in grape skins and little in the grape flesh. Do you know that they are present in red wine in good amounts?

Therapeutic property:

  • It is considered to be good for cardiovascular health and also possess neuroprotective effects.
  • You will be amazed to know that resveratrol has two forms under UV radiations. It goes under isomerization and produced “trans” and “cis” form. Trans form has much more beneficial effects as compared to cis form.
  • The most important property of resveratrol is that is has anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumor properties. And that is really great for cancer treatment and prevention.


Flavonoids are said to be polyphenolic compounds and they are majorly present in legumes, fruits and vegetables, tea, olive oil, walnuts, peanuts and even in spices. Green leafy vegetables, onion, apple and berries are one of the richest sources of flavonoids.

Therapeutic property

  • These has been an extensive research on flavonoids. And they have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-oxidative properties. That means they have a protective effect on free radicals.
  • They also act against allergies, inflammation, microbes, and tumors.
  • Do you know they have a protective effect on inflammatory disease, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer?


  • Carotenoids are one of the major groups of phytochemicals. Majorly found in red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, this class possess amazing health benefits.
  • Do you know a fun fact: that there are around 700 phytochemicals of carotenoids present and out of these 700, only about 24 are commonly available for the human consumption!
  • You must have heard about different carotenoids such as α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene (present in tomatoes), and lutein.

Therapeutic properties

  • They have anti-cancerous properties. And they are also found to be protective against cardiovascular diseases.
  • Eye health protection is also one of the properties of carotenoids.
  • They also have anti-oxidant properties that reduces the risk generated by free-radicals.


Phytoestrogen are naturally occurring non-steroidal compounds produced by plants. They mimic estrogens in human body. These are present in natural dietary products such as soybeans, wheat, barley and corn.

Therapeutic properties

  • Phytoestrogens have similar structure to the estrogens and possess both, estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties. They also provide protection against bone loss and heart disease.
  • You must be aware of menopausal symptoms, and high rates of fractures associated with post menopause. Phytoestrogens protects bone loss.
  • They also have anti-cancerous properties and promotes heart health.


For this phytonutrient, cruciferous vegetables are the richest source. Furthermore, Glucosinolates are present in the crucifers in very good concentrations. Such as, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale. Not only these vegetables are rich in this phytonutrient, but also are rich in various vitamins and minerals.

Therapeutic properties

  • They are activators of liver’s detoxifying enzymes. Therefore, aiding in detoxification of the body.
  • Also have a protective effect on carcinogenesis and from free radicals. They not only helps in digestion but also improves overall digestive health.
PolyphenolsCereals, legumes (barley, corn, nuts, oats, rice, sorghum, wheat, beans, and pulses), oilseeds (rapeseed, canola, flaxseed, and olive seeds), fruits, vegetables, and beverages (fruit juices, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, and wine)Anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, anti-diabetic, anti-viral, skin photoprotective, anti-allergic, anti-platelet, anti-aging, cryoprotective, and DNA-protective properties.
ResveratrolBlueberry, peanuts, red grapes, and red wineAnti-oxidant, anti-cancer, prevents aging, diabetes, and heart diseases
FlavonoidsBerries, legumes, tea, grapes, olive oil, cocoa, walnuts, peanuts, spices, fruits, and vegetables. Especially green vegetables, onion, apple, berries, and teaAnti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, analgesic activities, inhibition of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antiproliferative
CarotenoidsCarrots, leafy greens and red, orange and yellow vegetables, and pumpkinAnti-carcinogenic, enhances release of immunogenic cytokines IL-1 and TNF-α, provides cornea protection against UV light, and stimulates DNA repair enzymes
PhytoestrogensSoybeans, wheat, barley, corn, alfalfa, and oatsAnti-cancer, heart diseases, menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis
GlucosinolatesBroccoli sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, cruciferous vegetables, kale, radish, and turnipAnti-oxidant, prevent DNA damage, and reduce risk of breast and prostate cancers
Phytonutrients- Sources and Benefits

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What are the healthy options to opt for in winters

What are the healthy options in winters to opt for

Winter is season in which we all crave for something warm and soothing and comforting. Especially something that doesn’t take a lot of time and is full-filling. It is a season of hot cup of teas and coffees, soups and sweets along with pipping hot food.

Being honest, winters is our favorite season. And if you ask why, then the answer is wide varieties of fruits and vegetables that are available in winters. Fresh green leafy vegetables, and red and yellow and orange colored vegetables, all are easily available in winters, which makes it extra-special for us. We all are foodies and who doesn’t love good food. After all, good food is equal to good mood. And to uplift your mood during this season, we have made food choosing options easy for you.

There are “n” number of options that you can choose from, but in this article, you will see major recipes of millets and greens. Yes, millets are super nutritious and during winters, they provide you with extra warmth and comfort. On the other hand, greens are one of our top-listers. Green leafy vegetables not only add flavor to the food, but also gives you nutrition. Do you know, that by consuming leafy vegetables, you get major chunk of your daily required vitamin A.

Let’s get started with the recipes!!

Sweet Dishes to try this winter

1. Gajar halwa

Gajar halwa is one one the must-haves during winters. If you didn’t have it, you might be missing out on a lot of happiness and deliciousness. It is one of the dishes that gives you comfort on a cold winter day. And with the combination of carrots and milk, this halwa is way too nutritious to have. You can use stevia or erythritol to add sweetness to the halwa.

Low Carb/Low Fat Gajar ka halwa

2. Peanut Chikki

Peanut chikki is another one of the most commonly prepared sweet dish during winters. It is made with peanuts and jaggery. Both of these ingredients are highly nutritious and the best part of this recipe is that it is really easy to make. You can even add more ingredients such as sesame seeds, other nuts, for instance almonds to the chikki as per your taste.

Peanut chikki

3. Makhana Dry fruit Panjiri

A sweet dish with the goodness of all the dry fruits? Why not! You need to definitely try this makhana dry fruit panjiri recipe. It is super easy to make and the it’s not only tasty but also immensely nutritious. You can also add more ingredients as per your choice and availability.

Makhana Dry Fruits Panjiri

4. Ragi Malpua

Malpua is a sweet dish that can never disappoint you. This recipe of malpua is with a twist. It’s similar to your regular malpua, but more healthier. Ragi malpua is not only delicious but also full of nutrition. You need to try this recipe of malpua as soon as possible!

raagi malpua

Savory recipes to try this winter

1. Green Dhokla

Green dhokla not only is appealing by its color, but it also tastes amazing. Dhokla is one of our favorites. It feels like comfort food and the best part is that it is super easy and super convenient to prepare. Be it as a snack, or a breakfast meal option, dhokla never really disappoints. This recipe of dhokla is with a twist, and by a twist, we not only mean healthy but also a tasty twist.

2. Vegetable ragi idli

Ragi idli coupled with coconut chutney makes the best breakfast which is the wholesome, delicious, and nutritious food needed for our body. It is indeed an excellent source of protein, calcium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. Ragi has so many health benefits like prevention of bone health, controlling sugar levels, increasing our hemoglobin levels.

3. Jowar Vegetable Chilla

Jowar vegetable chilla is that one recipe which you can make on a cold winter day and the one that’ll provide you warmth and comfort. It is not only highly nutritious but also delicious. You can serve it with mint-coriander chutney or tomato chutney, as per your taste and choice. This chilla is really wholesome and full-filling. You need to try this!

Jowar vegetable chilla

4. Ragi upma

Ragi upma is one of the most easiest and comforting recipes to make during winters. With goodness of ragi and vegetables, this recipe makes a wholesome combination. It is quick to make and will surely not disappoint you.


5. Ragi dosa

Ragi dosa is a healthy and delicious breakfast prepared with ragi millet or also known as finger millet. Do you know about the goodness of ragi? Well this millet is rich in proteins and calcium and even potassium. It is highly nutritious. You definitely need to try this recipe this winter! Serve it with coconut chutney and pipping-hot sambhar to satiate all your hunger pangs!

Ragi dosa

6. Shakarkandi Chaat

If you love sweet potatoes, then this recipe is especially curated for you. Shakarkandi chaat is the best snack option during winters. Those hot boiled sweet potatoes clubbed with vegetables and spices and drops of fresh lemon! Even just thinking about it gives us major cravings! Try this super easy recipe of shakarkandi chaat this winter.

Shakkarkandi Chaat

7. Jowar palak appe

Jowar palak appe is a great option to choose for breakfast or a light snack meal. They are vegetarian and gluten-free and also super healthy and nutritious. They can be served with a bowl of piping hot sambar, chutney, and salad on the side for a fulfilling meal. And do you know that you can use the same batter to make a dosa as well? Check out this amazing recipe of jowar palak appe.

8. Thalipeeth

Thalipeeth is a spiced and delicious Maharashtrian flatbread which is made with multigrain flours. It makes for a healthy, tasty and nutritious breakfast or snack and is usually served with yogurt or pickle based on your taste and choice.  Especially during winter, thalipeeth makes for a healthy and heart-warming food. It is made with 3-4 different flours of your choice. 


9. Tomato spinach pancakes

Spinach Tomato Pancakes is not only a healthy but also a yummy savory dish. It can be either consumed as a part of nutritious breakfast or an evening snack to satiate you hunger. It does not take much time to prepare and also, to cook. You can serve Spinach Tomato Savory Pancakes with either mint coriander chutney or with tamarind-jaggery chutney and enjoy the wholesomeness of a nutritious snack.

10. Bajra khichdi

In winters, bajra khichdi provides not only warmth but also nutrition. Do you know that bajra is a millet that is rich in many nutrients? It is really healthy and is loaded with nutrients as well. Bajra is a good source of magnesium and potassium. It is also said to be heart healthy.  This recipe is easy to make and really very comforting during cold weather. You can serve it with some curry or as I prefer to have it with kadhi. Also, can add your favorite vegetables to it.

bajra khichdi

11. Bathua raita

Bathua along with curd makes an unbeatable combination that you need to try for sure! This raita is one of the most commonly made raita at our homes. It adds amazing flavor to the food and the best part is, that it is not only tasty but also loaded with nutrition. Make this super nutritious raita as soon as possible.

How to make bathua raita at home

12. Makki roti

Makki di roti or chapati or flatbread is one of the most comforting food items of winters. this roti goes best with sarso ka saag. As you might have heard the common phrase “sarson da saag te makki ki roti”. Many people are fond of this combination. And many even like to eat this combination with a piece of jaggery. 

makki ki roti

13. Sarson ka saag

Sarson da saag with makki di roti is must haves during this season. It is traditionally made in Punjab and consists of mustard leaves and spinach. You must have noticed that it is generally served with makki di roti in Northern India. The combination of saag and makki roti is unbeatable.

sarson saag

14. Chole Palak

Chole Palak is another version of the chole recipe. It’s prepared in North Indian style. It’s a very healthy recipe because of the combination of spinach and chickpeas/chole/ garbanzo beans. Try this super amazing recipe of chole with a nutritious twist!

Chole Palak

Soups to try this winter

1. Lentil dal soup

Lentil Dal Soup is one of the staple food of India. This soup is prepared almost all parts of the country. Also, the variety and methods of preparation vary giving it different flavors. Dal soup is high in protein content and helps in maintaining the balance of dietary protein requirement.

Dal Soup

2. Bajra Vegetable Soup

Bajra vegetable soup (Millet Soup), which is a traditional warm soup in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, and this soup is called Bajra Raab. Millet is gluten-free and full of many nutrients. It is also super easy to make. This bowl of hot soup is so filling and comforting, especially when the days get colder and darker.

Bajra vegetable soup
Served with farofa, onion and parsley

3. Broccoli Soup

Broccoli soup is green colored soup along with the sauteed onions and carrot. It has a smooth and creamy texture, mouth-watering taste and fills your stomach. Soups are the best comfort foods in winter days. They give us warmth in cold winters. 

Broccoli soup

4. Mushroom and onion soup

One of the best soups of all times is mushroom and onion soup! Who can possibly be go wrong with this soup? It is a perfect combination of not only healthy but also tasty. And this soup is not only full-filling, but also nutritious. 

mushroom onion soup
How to make bathua raita at home

How to make Bathua raita at home

Curd preparations are must-haves with the meals. We all enjoy having different kinds of raitas with our major meals. Bathua raita is one of the most commonly made raita at our homes. It adds amazing flavor to the food and the best part is, that it is not only tasty but also loaded with nutrition.

Bathua leaves are easily available during winters in most part of the country. You might not be aware of, but bathua leaves are highly nutritious.

Nutritional facts of bathua leaves:

  • They are low in calories. So, you need not to worry about the calorie intake while consuming them
  • Bathua leaves are rich source of iron. Many of us might be deficient of iron and to replenish the iron stores, bathua is one of the great options to choose.
  • It is a rich source of calcium and magnesium. Calcium as we are aware, is of utmost importance for healthy bones and teeth. And same goes for magnesium.
  • Bathua is rich in potassium and low on sodium. It can be said that bathua aids in managing hypertension.

It is very easy to incorporate in the diet. You can make stuffed roti/parantha using bathua. Or can make a vegetable preparation. Can add it to any pulse preparation.

The other ingredient of this recipe if curd. Curd is an amazing source of calcium and magnesium and a rich source of proteins.

Bathua along with curd makes an unbeatable combination that you need to try for sure!

Let’s start with the recipe:

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total time: 5 minutes

Serving: 2

Ingredients to make Bathua raita:

Bathua leaves: 1 cup (washed and boiled)

Curd: 1.5 cup

Salt: as per taste

For tadka:

Cumin seeds: ¼ tsp

Hing: a pinch

Mustard oil: ¼ tsp

Also learn how to make Beetroot raita at home!

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, in a bowl, add curd and boiled bathua leaves and salt. Mix all the ingredients.
  • Place a small pan on stove, and take few drops of mustard oil, add cumin seeds (jeera) and hing to it. Let the seeds crackle.
  • Immediately add this tadka to the raita and mix well.

Your tasty bathua raita is ready to serve!

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How to make Peanut chikki at home

How to make Peanut chikki at home

Peanut jaggery chikki is one of the most commonly available sweet in India during winters. You can easily get it at any grocery shop or a sweet shop. But the best part is, that you can make it at home, quickly and easily.

Peanut jaggery chikki is not only tasty but also nutritious. And you can even get the ingredients of this recipe very easily at any super market store or a grocery shop. You can even add more ingredients such as sesame seeds, other nuts, for instance almonds to the chikki as per your taste. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you the easiest and basic chikki recipe.

Do you know the benefits of peanuts and jaggery?

Peanuts are a rich source of protein, fiber and fats. When I say fats, I correspond to “good fats”. These kinds of fats are beneficial for lowering cholesterol and can be considered as heart healthy. They are rich in proteins, which we all know are the building blocks of our body. Peanuts are also a good source of magnesium, vitamin E and folate.

Though peanuts are healthy, but you should always consume them in moderation.

Jaggery as we all know is also known as “gur” is not only tasty but also healthy. Do you know that jaggery is a source of iron? Well, it contains iron and the best way to ensure iron absorption in body is to consume it with a source of Vitamin C. So, next time when you consume iron-rich source, make sure to have a vitamin C rich source with it.

Let’s get started with the recipe:

Preparation time: 8-10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes

Servings: 15-20 pieces

Winters without peanut chikki and gajar ka halwa are incomplete! try out this super amazing recipe of low carb and low fat gajar ka halwa!

Ingredients to make peanut chikki:

Roasted peanuts: 1 cup

Jaggery: ¾ cup

Ghee: 1.5 tablespoon

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, take a non-stick aluminum kadhai and place it on the stove. To it, add jaggery and cook for about 2 minutes on high flame, while stirring continuously.
  • Secondly, lower the flame and stir constantly for about 3-4 minutes. At this point, you’ll start noticing the formation of foam and a change in the color of jaggery.
  • Thirdly, switch off the flame and stir continuously. To this, add roasted peanuts and ghee. Mix it well.
  • Now, take a plate and grease it with ghee. Put the mixture on this plate and make it flat with the help of a ladle. Make sure that the surface becomes flat and not left uneven.
  • Lastly, cut immediately into pieces and let it cool completely.  

And your peanut jaggery chikki is ready! you can store it in a air-tight container.

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Dahi Vegetable sandwich

Do you ever get confused about what to make in breakfast or snacks? Like you want to make something delicious and every quick. Well, dahi vegetable sandwich is your perfect answer.

It takes only 5 minutes to make it and well, the result is super tasty. What’s more is that this sandwich is super healthy. The combination of curd and vegetables along with curry leaves and mustard seeds, makes it not only nutritious but also healthy.

Curd acts as a probiotic which is really good for your gut. It is rich in calcium and magnesium as well. Good for your gut health and good for your bones. It helps to replenish your calcium stores.

In this sandwich you, can add any vegetable of your choice. Here, I’ll be using onion, tomato, cucumber, and carrot. Also, add curry leaved and mustard seeds to it, to make it tastier and more nutritious.

Let’s start with the recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 2 minutes

Total time: 7 minutes

Serving: 2

Also try this easy Besan sooji vegetable toast recipe for your quick breakfast!

Ingredients to make Dahi vegetable sandwich

Bread piece: 4

Thick Curd/Hung curd: 1 cup

Tomato: ½ (finely chopped)

Onion: ½ (finely chopped)

Cucumber: ½ (cut into cubes)

Carrot: ½ (finely grated)

Curry leaves: ¼ cup

Mustard seeds: 1 teaspoon

Salt: as per taste

Chili Powder: for taste

Chaat masala: ¼ tsp

Ghee: 1 tablespoon

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, in a bowl, take 1 cup thick/ hung curd and add all the chopped vegetables to it. Add all the spices and mix well to make a paste. (you can also add grated coconut as well if you like)
  • Then, take the bread pieces and remove the sides with the help of a knife. To one bread piece, spread a spoonful of curd paste. Then, cover it with other bread piece. Repeat same for making other sandwiches.
  • Thirdly, heat a pan on medium flame. Add ghee to it and mustard seeds along with curry leaves.
  • Let the seeds crackle and then put the sandwich on the pan.
  • Lastly, cook the sandwich from both the sides until crisp.

Finally, your super easy and tasty dahi vegetable sandwich is ready! You can serve it with mint-coriander chutney.

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sarson saag

Sarson ka saag recipe

Winters call for green leafy vegetables. We get a variety of leafy vegetables during this season such as sarson (mustard leaves), spinach leaves, fenugreek leaves and bathua leaves. Do you know that a regular intake of these green leafy vegetables can help you restore your vitamin A stores? So, they are not only healthy but also brimming with nutrition. Sarson ka saag is one of the soulful foods during winters.

Sarson da saag with makki di roti is must haves during this season. It is traditionally made in Punjab and consists of mustard leaves and spinach. You must have noticed that it is generally served with makki di roti in Northern India. The combination of saag and makki roti is unbeatable.

Why sarson ka saag?

Well the answer is very easy. It is tasty and highly nutritious. Mustard leaves are a good source of fiber and potassium. They are also rich in vitamin C and iron. Do you know that when iron is consumed along with vitamin C, it gets absorbed better in our body? So, said that mustard leaves are a good source of iron as well. They are also rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium. These leaves are low in sodium and rich in potassium and therefore can be consumed by hypertensive patients as well.

Spinach leaves on the other hand are equally nutritious. They are low in carbohydrates and fats. Spinach is a good source of calcium and potassium. It is a moderate source of iron. It is also low in sodium and rich in potassium and therefore can be used in the diet of hypertensive persons.

If seen as a combination, mustard leaves and spinach together are low carb and fat and rich source of vitamins and minerals.

If you don’t get mustard leaves at your location, you can always make spinach curry! Add ginger-garlic paste to it along with onions. Palak saag is also equally tasty and healthy. You can just skip mustard leaves from the following recipe and make palak curry/saag.

Let’s start with the recipe:

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 35 minutes

Servings: 4

Sarson ka saag is incomplete without makki di roti! so try out this amazing recipe of makki di roti!

Ingredients to make sarson ka saag:

Sarson leaves: 5 cups (washed and chopped)

Spinach leaves: 5 cups (washed and chopped)

Oil- 1 tbs

Cumin seeds: 1 tsp

Ginger garlic paste: 2 tbs

Onions: ½ cup (finely chopped)

Salt: to taste

Hing (asafetida): ¼ tsp

Turmeric powder: 1 tsp

Chili powder: 1 tsp

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, to make sarson ka saag, heat a non-stick pan and boil around 5 cups of water. Add spinach leaves and mustard leaves to it. Mix well and cook on a high flame for about 4-5 minutes. Make sure to stir continuously.
  • Secondly, Strain and drain the leaves.
  • Thirdly, wash the leaves again 2 times using cold water. Drain and set them aside for 2-3 minutes.
  • Now, in a mixer blend the leaves to make a coarse mixture with ¼ cup of water.
  • Take a kadai and heat 1 tablespoon of oil. To it add cumin seeds and hing and let them crackle. Add ginger-garlic paste and sauté for few seconds on medium flame.
  • Then, to this add chopped onion and sauté for 1 minute.
  • To this, add the spinach & mustard coarse mixture and all the spices. Cook for about 4-5 minutes and then turn off the flame.

Sarson ka saag is ready! Serve hot with makki ki roti.

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makki ki roti

Makki Di Roti Recipe

Makki di roti or chapati or flatbread is one of the most comforting food items of winters. Makki roti goes best with sarso ka saag. As you might have heard the common phrase “sarson da saag te makki ki roti”. Many people are fond of this combination. And many even like to eat this combination with a piece of jaggery. Well just the thought of this combination makes us craves for it.

Makki or maize flour is one of the millets and it is highly nutritious. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. It also contains good amount of vitamin C. Makki flour is rich is proteins and low in fats. It also is a source of B vitamins.

Makki can be easily incorporated in diets and the easiest way to do that is to make rotis or chapatis out of it. You can add methi or bathua or spinach (palak) to the flour and make a higly nutritious chapati. Many people also like to add potatoes to the flour and making a thick chapati or a parantha. You can also have makki ki roti along with your morning cup of tea for a wholesome breakfast.

You can make dhokla of maize flour and even can make nachos at home using maize flour. Do you know you can also make healthy con sev puris by using maize flour? Well, it really tastes amazing.

For this recipe, we will be using fenugreek leaves along with makki to make chapatis. You can use bathua leaves or spinach leaves as per your taste or availability.

Let’s dig into the recipe:

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes

Serving: 8-10 chapatis

Makki di roti without sarson ka saag is a miss! Try out this amazing recipe of Sarson ka saag to club with makki di roti!

Ingredients to make Makki ki roti:

Makki flour: 2 cups

Fenugreek leaves: ½ cup

Salt: as needed

Makki flour for rolling

Method of preparation:

makki di roti1
  • Firstly, to make makki di roti, combine makki flour and methi (fenugreek) leaves and salt. Add warm water and knead a firm dough. Then, cover the dough with a cloth or plate and leave for about 30 minutes.
  • Secondly, divide the dough into equal portions and roll them by using a roller into a circle. If the dough sticks, apply little makki flour for rolling.
  • Thirdly, heat a non-stick pan on medium flame and place the chapati. Cook it from both the sides and then on open flame till it puffs and becomes brown.

Finally your makki di roti is ready. Serve hot with sarson ka saag or chutney!

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Low Carb/Low Fat Gajar ka halwa

Low Carb/Low Fat Gajar ka halwa

Do you know why winters are our favorite season? Well, you guessed it right. It is all because of gajar ka halwa. How about we present to you a Low Carb/Low Fat Gajar ka halwa version. Winters and gajar ka halwa go hand in hand. It surely takes some time to make but the flavor, the aroma, the taste is surely worth the wait.

The best part about gajar ka halwa is that it is not only tasty but it is highly nutritious as well. The main component of the halwa are carrots and milk. And all of us know, how nutritious these two ingredients are.


Carrots be it of any color (orange or red) are loaded with nutrients. You must have heard that carrots are a rich source of vitamin A. They are not only rich in vitamin A but also a good source of fiber. Carrots also contain potassium, vitamin C and manganese.

Grated Carrots

During winters, we get really fresh carrots that can be easily incorporated in diet. For instance, you can make carrot stuffed paranthe, carrot cake, carrot kheer, carrot and methi sabzi and above all, you can have gajar ka halwa. You can also have carrots in salads. They have a rich red color which makes them more appealing.

On the other hand, we all know that milk is an amazing source of protein. No only protein, it is also rich in calcium. Do you know that 1 glass of milk, i.e., 250 ml gives you around 8g of proteins? Isn’t it great!

So now, when you mix these two amazing sources of nutrients together, you get the most ever tasty combination of all times. And that is, “gajar ka halwa”. Well, by now, you must have guessed that I really love gajar ka halwa.

The best thing about this halwa is that you don’t need sugar. You can make this without sugar and the sweetness will come from carrots and milk. So yes, it is also diabetic friendly. If you want, you can add stevia or erythritol to it.

There are 2 ways to make this halwa. You can make it in a pressure cooker to make it quick. Or you can use a pot to slow cook it. In this recipe, we will be making a quick gajar ka halwa.

Let’s dig into the recipe

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Serving: 2

Ingredients to make Gajar ka halwa:

Carrot: 2 cups grated

Milk: 1.5 cups

Ghee: 1 tablespoon

Sweetener (optional): Stevia/Erythritol/Monk fruit extract/Xylitol

Elaichi (cardamom) powder: ¼ tsp

Almonds and cashew-nuts: for garnishing (can also add raisins)

Also learn how to make peanut chikki this winter!

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, to make gajar ka halwa in a pressure cooker, heat the ghee and add grated carrots to it. Sauté for a minute on medium flame. Make sure to stir continuously.
  • Secondly, add milk to the cooker and cover it with the lid. Let it cook for 1 whistle.
  • Thirdly, open the lid after the steam passes. Add ealichi powder and the sweetener (optional). Now, mix all the ingredients well. And cook for about 4 minutes on high flame. Make sure to stir continuously otherwise it might get burnt.

And your quick low carb/low fat gajar ka halwa is ready. Serve it hot with garnished almonds and cashew-nuts!

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bajra khichdi

How to make bajra khichdi at home

Bajra is one of the most commonly available millet in India. It is also one of the staples of Rajasthan and Haryana. You might have heard about bajra khichdi when you visit these states. Hence, Bajra Khichdi can be easy at home recipe for you.

In winters, bajra khichdi provides not only warmth but also nutrition. Do you know that bajra is a millet that is rich in many nutrients? It is really healthy and is loaded with nutrients as well.

Bajra is a good source of magnesium and potassium. It is said to be heart healthy. Furthermore, it is suggested by studies that bajra may have a cholesterol lowering effect. That is, it might be helpful in reducing LDL and increasing HDL. Moreover, it might help in reducing the overall cholesterol and help in managing lipid profile.

With such great benefits of bajra, it is really wise to include it in your daily diet. And the best news is, that it can be easily incorporated in you diet. You must have heard about bajra chapatis, soups and more.

This recipe is easy to make and really very comforting during cold weather. You can serve it with some curry or as I prefer to have it with kadhi. Also, can add your favorite vegetables to it.

Let’s start with the recipe.

Soaking time: 7-8 hours

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time: 8 hours 5 minutes

Serving: 3-4

Learn how to make easy bajra soup at home!

Ingredients to make Bajra Khichdi:

Bajra: ½ cup (Soaked for 7-8 hours)

Moong dal (yellow): ½ cup (wash and drained)

Salt: as required

Ghee: 1 tbsp

Cumin seeds: 1 tsp

Hing (asafetida): ½ tsp

Turmeric powder: ½ tsp

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, take a pressure cooker and place it on medium flame. To it add soaked bajra and drained moong dal. Add salt and around 1.5-2 cups of water.
  • Secondly, mix all the ingredients well, and cover the lid of the cooker and cook it till 4 whistles.
  • Now, to make tadka, in a pan add ghee, cumin seeds and hing. Let the seeds crackle and change their color to dark brown. (You can add tomato and onions too in this tadka).
  • Then, add this tadka to the bajra-moong khichdi. Stir continuously and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Your bajra khichdi is ready to serve.

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mushroom onion soup

Easy to make Mushroom onion soup at home

Soups are not only comforting but also tasty. On a winter day, all you need is a perfect bowl of soup that gives you warmth. There are many varieties of soups, but one of our favorite soup is mushroom and onion soup. Mushrooms and onions go really well together. And do you know, that mushrooms are a really good source of potassium?

Well, one can really never go wrong with this combination. And this soup is not only full-filling, but also nutritious. We have used whole wheat flour here, along with milk.

For vegetable stock, you can use your choice of vegetables such as bottle gourd, pumpkin, cabbage or beans.

It is an easy to make recipe that doesn’t take a lot of time.

Let’s get started with the recipe.

Serving: 2-3

Ingredients to make mushroom onion soup:

Mushrooms: 1 cup (sliced)

Onion: 1 big (chopped)

Olive oil- 2 tablespoons

Salt: as required

Black pepper: ½ tsp

Red paprika- ¼ tsp

Vegetable stock: 1 cup

Whole wheat flour: 2 tablespoons

Milk: 2 cups

Lemon juice: 2 tablespoons (optional)

Also learn how to make Broccoli soup at home!

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, on a stove take a pan and add olive oil to it. Now, to this, add chopped onions. Cook the onions until golden brown.
  • Secondly, Add a few tablespoons of water to it and cook the onions until they caramelize.
  • Now, add mushroom, paprika, salt and black pepper to the pan. Lower the flame and sauté all the ingredients.
  • Add the vegetable stock and cover the pan with a lid. Let the ingredients cook properly.
  • Now, in a separate pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. To this add the wheat flour and mix it with oil to make a paste. Add milk to the mixture. Constantly stir the mixture and cook it until the sauce thickens.
  • Finally, Once the sauce is thick with no lumps, add it to the mushroom mixture. Stir well and let it cook for about 1 minute.

Squeeze few drops of lemon and serve the soup hot!

Tip: if you don’t have olive oil, you can also use butter.

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