Priyanka Yadav


Easy Potassium-rich 17 recipes

What is Potassium?

Potassium is one of the most essential minerals that our body needs. It is also referred to as an electrolyte as it carries a small electrical charge which helps our nerves to function and muscles to contract. 

It helps in regulating our heartbeat and also maintains normal levels of fluid inside and outside of our body cells. And also maintains our normal blood pressure.

How much do we need potassium in a day?

As per RDA 2020, 3500 mg is our daily requirement.

What are Potassium-rich sources?

Potassium is found in a wide range of foods, for example:

  • Dried fruits (raisins, apricots)
  • Beans, lentils, kidney beans, soybeans, etc.
  • Vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, etc.
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach (palak), fenugreek leaves (methi), radish leaves, mustard leaves(sarso), etc.
  • Fruits like bananas, oranges, avocado, raisins, etc.
  • Coconut water
  • Dairy and its products 
  • Meat, poultry and fish

Is there any diagnostic test for Potassium levels? 

Yes, a potassium blood test for our potassium level is done. It can tell us if we have high or low potassium levels. And this test is also known as potassium serum, serum potassium, serum electrolytes. It can also be used to monitor or diagnose conditions related to abnormal potassium levels, for instance, kidney disease, hypertension, and heart disease.

Why do we need potassium?

We need potassium for various bodily functions, for example;

  • It helps in the regulation of our body fluid balance.
  • Also, helps in the prevention of the body’s blood pressure.
  • Further, may also help in muscle and heart contractions.
  • It can also help in preventing osteoporosis. It has been shown by various clinically proven studies that potassium-rich diet may help in the prevention of osteoporosis by reducing how much calcium the body loses through urine.
  • Additionally, also prevents the formation of kidney stones

So, we have come up with some of the potassium-rich recipes that will help you to get a sufficient amount of potassium for your body.

So, let’s start without any due.

1.    Spinach Tomato Savory Pancakes is a Potassium-rich

Spinach Tomato Pancakes is not only healthy but also a yummy savory dish that can either be consume as a part of a nutritious breakfast or an evening snack to satiate your hunger. Also, it is easy to make with the fullness of nutrients. And all the ingredients that you will require for the preparation are easily available at home as well. Also, you can never go wrong with a pancake.

Let’s look into its recipe.

2.    Easy Stuffed Paneer Moonglet recipe at home:

Stuffed paneer moonglet is a perfect wholesome dish. You can have it for your breakfast or as a mid-meal snack. Also, can serve it with the chutney of your choice. It is also brimming with the goodness of protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, and magnesium that plays an important role in managing various functions of our body.

Due to its ease, you can easily make this recipe and savor it with your loved ones!

3.    Healthy Avocado Toast (4 Easy ways) recipe and Potassium-rich:

Healthy avocado toast provides many vitamins as well as minerals that can give your day a good boost. Start your day with this delish recipe and enjoy the richness of nutrients.

4.    Easy to make Broccoli Paratha:

Paratha is the one of the most famous breakfast in India. It has many varieties like gobhi paratha, aloo paratha, pyaaz paratha, mixed veg paratha, etc.

Broccoli Paratha is one of the healthy paratha and full of nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, potassium. And it is also low in fat which helps in weight loss and also in controlling diabetes.

Broccoli Paratha

5.    Sprouts Paratha Easy and Amazing and rich in Potassium :

Another paratha recipe that is rich in nutrients is sprouts paratha. It is also a perfect breakfast recipe to begin your day with. And you can enjoy it with curd, chutneys, pickle, and even butter. This dish is really mouth-watering and can easily be cooked at home.  

Try this breakfast recipe right away!

Sprouts Paratha3

6.  Grilled Mushroom with Herbs- A tasty appetizer:

You can make this grilled mushroom without putting in so much effort. They are low in carbohydrates, fats, and sodium content. And are rich in potassium, selenium, niacin, riboflavin and even vitamin D. They also act as an antibacterial agent and they even improve our immune response action. Also, act as cholesterol-lowering agents.

This recipe is not only tasty and rich in nutrients but also can be consumed guilt-free.

7.    Easy to make Rajma mix chatpata veg salad

This lip-smacking salad is made with items such as rajma salad (kidney beans), vinegar, green chili, garlic, tomato, onion, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, carrot, and lemon juice.

This salad will surely be loved by your children, adults, and even the elderly. Let’s try our rajma into another form that is totally different from our rajma curry.

8.    How to make Green Dhokla- a perfect snack:

Green Dhokla is one of our favorite snacks to go to. It can also be enjoyed without any concern about weight gain. It feels like comfort food and it never really disappoints in its taste. This recipe of dhokla is with a twist, and by a twist, we not only mean healthy but also a tasty twist.

In this recipe, we are using palak and methi to make dhokla which is totally different from the traditional one. The ingredients used in this are highly rich in potassium, minerals, and antioxidants as well. It is also good for our blood pressure, maintains electrolyte balance, and even promotes muscle and nerve contractions.

So, try this recipe to fulfill your potassium reserves of the body.

9.    Easy Apple-Banana Oats Pudding in 10 minutes- Healthy breakfast:

Apple-Banana Oats pudding is a dish that is brimming with nutrition and deliciousness. We all know that an apple a day keeps a doctor away, well, it is so because apples are loaded with potassium, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C.

Similarly, banana is a fruit that is very wholesome and rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, and furthermore a good source of vitamin B6. A combination of apple and banana with oats is not only incredible but also healthy.

Apple-Banana Oats

10. Easy to make Rose Smoothie in 2 mins:

Rose Smoothie is one of our favorites go-to drinks. This is made with milk and strawberries which gives you a very refreshing and bright flavor to appease your taste buds.

One of its advantages is that we don’t have to add sugar to it as it is already sweet because of strawberry’s natural sweetness. This recipe can be used for a diabetic patient as it is low in carb and sugar. Let’s make this drink and soothe our taste buds with it.

Rose Smoothie

11. How to make Greenland of Sprouts and Spinach:

Greenland of Sprouts and Spinach not only sounds exotic but also delicious and nutritious at the same time. The moong dal sprouts used to make this is rich in protein and fiber and also work well in managing blood sugar levels. It also helps in good digestion, weight loss, and lower LDL cholesterol.

It is indeed the best snack for breakfast or brunch and can be enjoyable for all age groups.

Sprouts and Spinach

12. How to make Dhokla with moong dal sprouts:

Moong dal sprouts dhokla have a unique flavor and taste to them. This is also easy to make and you can enjoy it as a snack or breakfast. And it is also light on the stomach and nourishing at the same time. This dhokla is famous for its ease and health benefits and also rich in protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. 

If you are a weight watcher or long to eat something healthy, this healthy sprouts dhokla is for you.

Dhokla with moong dal sprouts

13. Easy Banana Yogurt Smoothie in 2 mins:

Banana Yogurt Smoothie is loaded with the goodness of nutrients such as being rich in potassium and low in sodium. Which makes it good for hypertensive patients as well. It is also a good source of vitamin C, folate, and magnesium.

This smoothie can be served during breakfast or during evening snacks and will surely make you feel satiated.

Banana Yogurt Smoothie

14. Easy to make Apple Crumble Pudding:

Apples are the most popular fruit containing antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a range of other nutrients. Because of its richness in nutrients, it helps in preventing several health related-problems like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more.

When I crave something sweet, my first choice is a pudding and apple crumble pudding is one of them.

You can add this pudding on any occasion and it surely won’t disappoint you. Moreover, this apple pudding is egg-free so can be enjoyed by vegetarians as well.

Apple Crumble Pudding

15. Avocado and Kale Smoothie:

Avocado and Kale Smoothie is the easiest and morning nutritional bomb. It is a good blend of nutrients. This smoothie in breakfast will help to start your day with a fresh mind and also provide satiety to your stomach. Give it a try and you will feel absolutely energized with its goodness.

Avocado and Kale Smoothie

16. Watermelon Coconut Cooler:

Watermelon Coconut Cooler is one of the best in summer to cool and refresh yourself in the scorching heat. This thirst quencher cooler can be enjoyed guilt-free because it has no added preservatives and sugar.

Moreover, this is low in calories and rich in potassium and vitamin C. This is also an easy-to-make recipe that will take hardly 10 minutes so it can also save your time.

You just need 3 ingredients for this recipe, watermelon, coconut water, and mint leaves. Let’s start to make our own tasty and deliciously good cooler.

Watermelon Coconut Cooler

17. How to make Moth Beans Sprouted Frankie:

Moth beans sprouted Frankie is especially loved by the kids and adults as well. It is rich in protein, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and calcium as well.

It is indeed a good choice for vegetarians and also lactose-intolerant people. Let’s have a look at its recipe.

Moth Beans Sprouted

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Adolescents (10-19 years)- strategies to reduce weight

Adolescents transgress through many physical changes like in growth, weight, height, and other bodily changes throughout their life. These changes can be traced back to their parents and their lifestyles. Therefore, parents affect the mental, emotional as well as physical growth of the child.
Parents can prevent their children from being overweight by developing healthy eating habits, creating a calorie-deficit diet. Also, them being physically active, by reducing their screen timing and also by getting adequate sleep.

What is Adolescents obesity?

Adolescent obesity is a condition in which a child is significantly overweight for his or her age and height.

Who are at risk?

Those children are at greater risk of being obese who have:

  • poor physical activity/exercise,
  • poor eating habits
  • been in front of the screen continuously.

These are all factors contributing to the epidemic.

How to calculate BMI for your adolescents?

BMI helps in estimating how much body fat your child have which is usually based on height and weight. But for children, height and weight alone aren’t as accurate as they are for adults. So, you must be thinking why is that? It is because their BMIs vary due to their regular growth and development, body fat percentages change.

The formula which is used for calculating the BMI:

BMI = Weight (kg)/[height (m)]2 

After the child’s BMI is calculated with the help of the above formula then it is expressed as a percentile. This percentile is obtained from a graph provided by the Indian Pediatric Academy (IAP).

BMI percentiles are grouped into eight categories:

Weight Status CategoryPercentile Range
UnderweightLess than the 5th percentile
Healthy Weight5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile
Overweight85th to less than the 95th percentile
ObesityEqual to or greater than the 95th percentile
Source- WHO

Let’s see some hypothetical examples for BMI percentiles:

Firstly, let’s take an example for a 17-year girl of average height 156 cm who weighs 68.5 kg will have a BMI of 28.2 kg/m2. This will also place the girl in the 90th percentile for BMI. And she will also be considered to fall into the overweight category according to the reference table above provided by WHO.

Now, this percentile is plotted on the BMI-for-age percentile chart. The green dot on the graph represents the BMI percentile for the girl which is in the 90th percentile – the overweight region.

Chart 1: The chart for a 17-year-old girl showing BMI percentile

Similarly, let’s take another example for a 16-year-old boy of average height 160 cm who weighs 65.5 kg will have a BMI of 25.5 kg/m2. This will also place this boy in the 78.33 percentile (between 75th and 85th). He will also be considered to fall into the normal category according to the reference table above provided by WHO.

This percentile now is plotted on the BMI-for-age percentile chart. The green dot on the graph represents the BMI percentile for the boy which is in the 78th percentile – the normal region.

Chart 2: The chart for a 16-year-old boy showing BMI percentile

How accurate is BMI for all children?

The BMI is a good measure of body fat. But this can be misleading in the case of some children like athletes and sportsperson who can fall into the overweight or obese category. This happens due to their bulky muscles and also lean body mass.

How adolescent obesity can be treated?

Adolescent obesity can be treated with the focus on developing healthy eating and exercise habits as well.

Thereby, reducing calorie intake and burning calories are two ways to meet these goals.

Firstly, calorie intake is reduced by planning a customized well-balanced diet of healthy foods. And by making permanent changes in their eating habits. Secondly, calorie-burning can be increased by increasing their physical activity.

TIP: In addition, also do not use any weight-reducing drugs for adolescents as there may be concerns about their safety.

Dietary guidelines for adolescents:

These dietary guidelines are the basis for designing healthy eating patterns that link nutrients to food intake and also ensure overall dietary quality for the health of your child.

  • First thing to remember is to give your child a variety of foods from all the five food groups   (for example – cereals, pulses, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables, fats and sugar). It is to ensure a balanced diet. But how much food adolescents need depends on their body size and also their activity levels. 
  • Secondly, add plenty of green leafy vegetables, seasonal vegetables and fruits in their diet. Diet rich in vegetables and fruits will also provide them various nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, etc.
  • Thirdly, include milk and milk products in skimmed form. They should be consumed in moderate amounts as this is the best source of calcium for them and low in saturated fat as well.
  • Also, use moderate amount of edible oils and animal foods and use a minimum of ghee/butter/vanaspati.
  • Furthermore, ensure an adequate amount of water intake (8-10 glass/day) for them. 
  • Most importantly, avoid soft drinks, fruit juices, flavoured milk and water, sports drinks, energy drinks, tea as well as coffee as they are only empty calories without any nutrients.
  • Additionally, children under 18 years shouldn’t drink alcohol.
  • Avoid overeating to prevent overweight and obesity and also divide their meals into 5-6 meals a day.
  • Exercise regularly and also be physically active to maintain ideal body weight.
  • Restrict salt intake to a minimum for them.
  • Ensure the use of safe and clean foods.
  • Minimize the use of processed foods rich in salt, sugar and fats.     

A sample menu including all the food groups and a balanced diet

Mealtime MenuHousehold amount
BreakfastSkimmed milk
Multigrain spinach cheela (wheat + jowar)
Green chutney 
1 glass
2 pieces
1 tsp
Mid-morning Fruit smoothie
Soaked almonds
1 glass
Lunch Paneer vegetable roti wrap
Mint buttermilk (chaas)
1 glass
Evening snackMakhana bhel with vegetables in it1 bowl
Dinner Chapati
Rajmah curry
1 Katori
1 Katori
½ plate
Post dinnerFruit rabri/Fruit custard1 Katori

Parent’s role in managing their child’s healthy eating habits and serving healthy food options to the Adolescents:

Parents or Guardians play a very big part in shaping children’s eating patterns as well as lifestyle habits.

  1. Have regular family meals – Family meals are a chance for parents to introduce their child to new foods and to be role models for healthy eating. This can also help them grow as a healthy and happy family.
  2. Keep your meal-time calm and friendly, therefore no lectures or arguing should be included on the dining table which may cause your child to lose appetite.
  3. Likewise, make it easy for your child to choose healthy snacks by keeping fruits and vegetables on hand and ready to eat too. Also, other good snacks include low-fat yogurt and celery, or whole-grain crackers and cheese. 
  4. Also, involve your child in what to make for dinner. In addition, talk to them about making healthy choices and planning a balanced meal. Some might even want to help shop for ingredients and prepare the meal also.
  5. Moreover, make healthy food fun. If your children won’t eat vegetables, you can also experiment with condiments and dips. 
  6. You can get furthermore creative with meals. The more creative the meal is, the greater the variety of foods your children eat. 

The healthy recipes that children of age group 10-19 enjoy:

Chicken-spinach pastaGrilled sandwichOats-apple phirni
Chicken biryaniMultigrain bread burgerMakhana dry fruit kheer
Chicken rolls/wrapsSweet potato tikki/sweet potato chaatApple-banana oats pudding
Bread omelet with ketchup/green chutneySoya cutlet/oats-moong Dal Tikki Fruit rabri/fruit custard
Steamed rice with fish curry/chicken curryTomato-spinach savory pancakes sweet rose lassi
Chicken biryani with curdOats-tofu pancakes 
Hummus wrapStuffed paneer moonglet 
Egg tomato currySprouts parantha 
Egg fried rice with vegetables in itBesan cheela/sooji  cheela/jowar cheela (with vegetables) 

Exercise and Physical activity in Adolescents:

Exercise and physical activity are important parts of keeping your children healthy especially in today’s scenario. Especially when everyone is sitting behind their computers with little physical activity. This is only leading your children into depression, mood swings, anxiety, and other health comorbidities also.

I myself believe that lifestyles that are learned in childhood from your family and friends are more likely to stay with you till the end. That’s why learning a healthy lifestyle at an early age can benefit you in so many ways.

Not to forget, that there are so many health benefits of exercise and physical activity like controlling body weight as well as its composition. Also reduces the risk of chronic diseases and builds strong muscles, bones, and joints too. It also improves flexibility, wards off depression, and improves mood, sense of well-being, and self-esteem too.

Children with comorbidities like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, and obesity should consult a physician before taking up any exercise program.

Children need at least 60 minutes of exercise every day which can be low intensity, moderate intensity, and vigorous intensity levels as well.

The low to moderate intensity activities include the following:

  • Pleasure walking
  • Climbing stairs
  • Dancing
  • Yoga

The vigorous-intensity activities include the following:

  • Brisk walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Roller skating
  • Jumping rope
  • Playing on the playground
  • Jumba
  • Gymnastics
  • Hiking
  • Soccer

Lifestyle modifications in Adolescents:

By definition, lifestyle modification is altering long-term habits typically of eating or physical activity, and also about maintaining the new behavior for months or years.

  • Children should exercise regularly for at least 60 minutes a day.
  • They should also eat a healthy balanced diet coupled with changes in meal size, meal times, or frequency of meals.
  • They should also maintain a healthy weight in their teen years as children and teenagers with obesity are more likely to have obesity as an adult. 
  • Also, they should get enough sleep (at least 8-10 hours a day) as sleep patterns are irregular in teen children.
  • A habit of brushing and flossing teeth twice a day should be encouraged which can help teens to prevent tooth and gum problems in adulthood too.
  • Lastly, a good balance between school, work, and social life to avoid stress in life.

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Dhokla with moong dal sprouts

How to make Dhokla with moong dal sprouts

India is a diverse country and has a variety of tasty cuisine wherever we go and has a flavor that is very unique on its own. One of the cuisines which have a unique flavor and taste is Gujarati Cuisine which is nutritionally rich, delicious and has fewer spices in it. Dhokla with moong dal has a delicious flavor.

Traditionally, Gujarati dhokla is made with besan and sooji but this variation of dhokla is cooked using boiled moong sprouts and fruit salt (Eno) along with grated coconut which is used for the garnishing. 

This is a recipe that is easy to make and can be enjoyed as a snack and breakfast as well. It is light on the stomach and nourishing at the same time. 

I like this green dhokla for its ease and health benefits. Moong sprouts are a good source of many nutrients like protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. 

If you are a weight watcher or long to eat something healthy, this healthy sprouts dhokla is for you. 

So, what are you waiting for? Try this easy recipe at home and enjoy it with your loved ones!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes

Serving: 4

INGREDIENTS for Dhokla with moong dal:

  • 1 cup boiled sprouted moong
  • 2 tsp fruit salt (Eno)
  • 2 Tbsp refined oil
  • 4 Tbsp gram flour (besan)
  • salt as required
  • 1/2 cup grated coconut (For Garnishing)


  • Firstly to make this sprouted dhokla, add sprouted moong in a grinder and grind them to make a fine paste.
  • Now, take a bowl and transfer the grinded mixture into it and after that add salt, besan along with the required amount of water. Whisk them well to make a thick batter.
  • Afterwards, add fruit salt and water. Mix them well.
  • Next, grease the dhokla maker with oil. 
  • Put the batter into a dhokla maker and steam for about 15 minutes till it is completely cooked.
  • Finally, dhokla is ready, garnish it with grated coconut and cut it into your desired shape. 
  • At last, serve hot with any chutney of your choice.

Pro tip: You can also temper this dhokla with green chilies, curry leaves, and asafoetida (hing) as per your taste and preference.

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Makhana Bhel

Makhana Bhel – A perfect Healthy snack

Makhana Bhel is an Indian snack that is low in calories and tempts our taste buds.

It has a sweet, tangy, and spicy taste. It is a healthy chaat recipe prepared with makhana, onions, tomatoes, sweet and spicy chutneys, spices. This low-calorie snack is light on our tummy and tastes delicious to our palate.

Makhana means “puffed lotus seeds or fox nut” and Bhel means “everything mixed together”. 

Enriched with goodness, makhanas are packed with protein, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Also, makhanas are low in cholesterol, fat, sodium as well as low in glycemic index which makes them the perfect snack for those suffering from high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes. 

The presence of a natural flavonoid called “kaempferol” helps prevent inflammation and aging. 

It also makes an ideal snack to satiate our appetite for in-between meal hunger pangs. Binging on this snack will not affect our weight loss journey and is also less time-consuming which is a plus for us.

I personally like to indulge in this as my evening snack. I prepare my makhana bhel with sweet and spicy chutneys, peanuts, and lots of veggies in it which makes it delicious as well as nutritious. 

Let’s dig into it with me!

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Serving: 2-3

Coriander Chutney


  • 1 garlic clove.
  • 1-2 green chillies.
  • Salt.
  • 1 bunch of coriander leaves.
  • 1/2 lemon juice.


  • Firstly in a mixie jar, add garlic clove, green chillies and salt and crush all the dry ingredients first.
  • Also, add coriander leaves and lemon juice in it.
  • Now, add just 1/2 tbsp. water and churn
  • Finally, green coriander chutney is ready.

Tip: Chutney should be thick and not liquidy so use less water as Makhana tends to get chewy very quickly.

Tamarind chutney


  • Water in a heated pan (1/2 tbsp.)
  • Jaggery (1/2 cup)
  • 1.5 tbsp. tamarind pulp (extracted by keeping tamarind in warm water for 30 minutes).


  • First, heat up a pan and add 1/2 tbsp water in the pan.
  • Secondly, add Jaggery (gud) and let it melt on medium flame.
  • Thirdly, add tamarind pulp and add red chilli powder and salt.
  • Finally, mix well and let it cook for 5 minutes.

Tip: Leave chutney to cool down as chutney will get thick as it cools down.

For Mixing of Makhana Bhel


  • Chopped tomatoes (1 tomato)
  • Choppe onions (1 onion)
  • Chopped cucumber (1 small cucumber)
  • Pomegranate (1/2 cup)

Method to make Makhana Bhel

  • Firstly in a pan, take oil and heat it then add makhana and peanut in it to roast (roast at medium flame for 4-5 minutes).
  • Secondly, take out roasted nuts in a bowl and let it cool down.
  • Now, add finely chopped tomatoes, onions, cucumber as well as pomegranate in the bowl.
  • Add coriander chutney & tamarind sweet chutney in the bowl as well.
  • Lastly, mix all the ingredients well.
  • Finally makhana bhel is ready to tantalize your palate.

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Jowar vegetable chilla

How to make Jowar vegetable chilla is a delicious and nutritious

Jowar vegetable chilla is extremely nutritious, wholesome and scrumptious to have in your breakfast, mid-morning or dinner snack which can satiate your hunger at any time.

When it comes to cooking something quick, there are many options to choose from. But one of them that definitely tops our list is the humble chilla. You can easily make this low-calorie chilla with few ingredients and satiate your hungry stomach in no time. 

Jowar, which is also known as sorghum, is considered one of the healthiest ingredients that one can indulge in. This grain is known to have many health benefits like improving digestion, boosting immunity. It also improves heart health, controls blood sugar, and it can also help to improve your skin and hair as well. 

There is no end to the variety of chillas. But if you want to give your regular chilla a high protein twist, then you have to try our Jowar vegetable chilla recipe. It is super easy to make and will perfectly satiate your cravings. 

It is an indeed ideal recipe for all the weight watchers out there as it contains lots of protein and fibre. This helps to provide satiety to our stomach. So, let’s quickly dig into the recipe for this nutritious and delicious chilla.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes

Serving: 2

Ingredients for Jowar vegetable chilla:

1 cup jowar flour

2 chopped small capsicum

1 chopped onion

1 tomato

1/2 tsp black pepper

2 chopped green chilli

red chilli powder(1/2)r

1 tsp coriander powder

1/2 tsp grated ginger

to taste Salt

Oil – 1 Tsp

Method of preparation:

  1. Firstly, take a bowl and add jowar flour, chopped capsicum, onion, tomato, green chilli and grated ginger in it.
  2. After mixing is done, add masalas like red chilli powder, pepper, salt and coriander powder and then add water in the bowl and mix it well with your hands.
  3. Also, make sure that the consistency is not too thin.
  4. Further, take a non-stick tawa and put batter on it and spread it.
  5. Now, put in some oil and cook from both sides.
  6. Lastly, cook at low flame till golden brown and crispy.
  7. Finally Jowar vegetable chilla is ready .
  8. Serve it with green chutney or tomato ketchup..

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Beetroot tikkit

How to make Amaranth Tikki

(Amaranth) Tikki has always been the aroma and sights of street food. People not love its crispy but also its crusty taste.

Who would have thought that Tikki can be nutritious and delicious at the same time as it is considered one of the most popular fast foods of India but Tikki made with amaranth seeds and stir-fried vegetables is sure to please our taste buds as it is crispy, crusty and deliciously good?

Amaranth, also known as ‘Rajgira’ or ‘Chaulai’ in North India.

Tikki made with amaranth seeds is not only good but is nutritious and healthy which is sweet, earthy, gluten-free grain, packed with protein power. It also has additional benefits of iron, calcium, protein, manganese, and fiber.

For more varities of tikki, check out our beetroot tikki and I assure you that it is delicious.

When served with famous imli chutney or chutney of your choice, it’s taste becomes heavenly. So, without any further due, let’s dig into the recipe of this delish and flavorsome dish.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes

Serving: 4

Ingredients for Amaranth Tikki:

  • 1 cup amaranth (chaulai) seeds
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped bell pepper
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1/4 Tbsp chilli powder
  • A pinch of amchoor powder
  • 1 Tbsp garam masala
  •  1/2 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • Lots of freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp oil to pan fry
  • Amaranth flour or breadcrumbs for dusting

Method of Preparation:

Cooking the amaranth seeds:

  • Use a heavy base, high pot to pop amaranth seeds and add a spoon full of amaranth seed to the hot wok, keep stirring and it starts to puff up immediately.
  • Once you see they start to pop, turn off the flame and keep stirring, then quickly transfer them to another clean bowl.

(Pro Tip: Roast amaranth seeds in tiny batches)

Cooking the amaranth tikki:

  • Firstly, in a large bowl, combine all the ingredients and masala and mix well using your hands. Do check the seasoning.
  • Secondly, make patties and coat them with amaranth flour or bread crumbs.
  • Now, immediately pan fry them on a good quality non-stick pan using 2 Tbsp oil until golden.
  • Finally, serve hot with chutney of your choice.

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Ragi idli 1

How to make Ragi idli with coconut chutney

Ragi idli is steamed cakes with vegetables that are nutritious and delicious. It is made with finger millet flour called nachni or ragi flour. This Ragi idli coupled with coconut chutney makes the best breakfast which is the wholesome, delicious, and nutritious food needed for our body.

It is indeed an excellent source of protein, calcium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber.

Ragi has so many health benefits like prevention of bone health, controlling sugar levels, increasing our hemoglobin levels.

In addition to being nutritious, it helps in the reduction of bad cholesterol. Ragi gives benefits for kids and adults likewise. 

Also try our amazing ragi dosa. Ragi dosa

Coconut chutney is popular in India and very easy to make as well. This perfectly spiced chutney has a flitting hint of sweetness and is served as an ideal accompaniment with Indian meals. Furthermore, it has its own health benefits like improving your heart health, weight loss, and digestion.  

Ragi idli coupled with coconut chutney is enough to satiate your appetite altogether. You can enjoy this delish and flavorsome dish with your friends and family. Now, let’s look into its recipe.

Vegetable ragi idli

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes

Serving: 2

Ingredients for Ragi idli:

1/2 cup ragi flour

1/2 cup suji

2 tablespoon curd

Salt as per taste

1/2 teaspoon Eno/baking soda

1 tablespoon chopped onion

1/2 tablespoon chopped capsicum

1 tblespoon chopped tomato

1/2tablespoon grated carrot

2 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

Method of preparation:

  1. First, in a mixing bowl, take ragi flour and suji then add curd and mix it
  2. Secondly after that, add required water and mix well without any lumps.
  3. Next, cover with lid and rest for 15 minutes for fermentation.
  4. Thereafter, mix again after its fermentation and add water if required. 
  5. Later, mix the batter, add all veggies, salt and mix well. 
  6. Next, add fruit salt/Eno, add 1 teaspoon of water on it and rotate in one direction to avoid forming any lumps.
  7. Meanwhile, heat water in idli cooker, grease idli plates with oil
  8. At last, pour batter into greased idli mould and steam it for 12-15 minutes.
  9. Finally, serve hot idli with coconut chutney.

Coconut chutney:

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Total time: 15  minutes

Serving: 2


1/2 cup coconut

2 tablespoon chana dal

1/2 tablespoon refined oil

2 small green chili

1 pieces ginger

1 1/2 pinches salt

1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds

4 curry leaves

Method of preparation:

  1. First, grind grated coconut, chana dal, ginger and salt in a blender and make sure that the consistency is thick and not too thin. If you feel that the chutney is too thick then in that case you may add a little water to loosen it up.
  2. Meanwhile for the tempering, heat oil in a small pan over a medium flame. After the oil is hot enough then also add the mustard seeds, split black gram dal and curry leaves.
  3. Therefore, when they start to splutter then immediately bring them off the flame and pour the tempering over the chutney.
  4. Now finally mix the ingredients properly before serving. 

Tip: In case to make this coconut chutney more flavorful, you can add mint, lemon juice, garlic, and even coriander leaves in the chutney.

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Dietary Guidelines for adolescents

Dietary Guidelines for adolescents (13-19 years)

Dietary Guidelines for adolescents are helpful, Overweight, and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health (WHO).

Prevalence for Dietary Guidelines for adolescents :

In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese. Overall 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016 globally (Source – WHO).

Nowadays, childhood obesity is an epidemic in India. With 14.4 million obese children, India has the second-highest number of obese children in the world, next to China.

At this time, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is 15%. Also, in private schools catering to upper-income families, the incidence has shot up to 35-40%, indicating a worrying upward trend (Source – Narayana health).

Risk factors for obesity:

  • Physical inactivity, and sedentary behaviour
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Family characteristics parenting style – parents’ lifestyles also play a role.
  • Environmental factors such as school policies, demographics, and parents’ work-related demands further influence eating and activity behaviours.

Assessment of Weight:

Childhood overweight and obesity in children aged 2 to 18 are defined by percentiles of BMI.

The standard formula to calculate BMI is the weight (lbs) ÷ [height (inch)]2 x 703

The metric formula to calculate BMI is weight (kg) ÷ [height (cm)]2

Then this BMI is plotted on the growth chart to calculate the BMI percentile.

Weight Status CategoryPercentile Range
UnderweightLess than the 5th percentile
Healthy Weight5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile
Overweight85th to less than the 95th percentile
Obesity95th percentile or greater
(Source – WHO)

In addition, there are other non-invasive measures to define the degree of obesity include waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio to assess upper body fat predominance, and skinfold thickness.

Apart from these, non-invasive parameters, other validated parameters for measuring the degree of obesity also exist. These methods are also used to define body composition: water, fat, protein, mineral content of the human body.

Also, such direct methods of body fat content include Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA). The use of such methods especially in childhood and adolescence is limited and currently used only for scientific purposes.

Dietary goals for adolescents:

  • To prevent further weight gain and reach a realistic target BMI.
  • To maintain a lower weight for a long term.
  • A nutritionally adequate and balanced diet is essential for optimal growth and development.
  • Achievement of adequacy in all nutrients and prevention of deficiency diseases.
Dietary Guidelines for adolescents (13-19 Years)
  • Energy: The energy requirements are different for boys and girls because of their growth rate, body composition and physical activity level.
Age groupEnergy as per RDA 2020
Boys (13-15 years)2860 kcal
Girls (13-15 years)2400 kcal
Boys (16-18 years)3320 kcal
Girls (16-18 years)2500 kcal
Boys (19 years)2110 kcal (sedentary)
Girls (19 years)1660 kcal (sedentary)

For instance, a healthy weight loss (0.5 kg/week and 10 % body weight loss) requires a gradual decrease in calories. As a result, calorie restriction of about 500-600 kcal/day brings weight loss of 0.5 kg/week.

  • Protein: Particularly to support growth, 15-20 % total energy should come from protein or protein requirement of 0.8 g/kg body weight as per RDA 2020.
  • Firstly and most importantly I recommend nutritionally healthy diet through a wise choice of foods from all the food groups rather than refined and processed food (for instance – cereals, pulses, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables, fats and sugar).
  • Take diet with good quality protein and consume cereal-pulse, cereal-milk and cereal-meat/egg combinations (mutual supplementation).
  • Also, green leafy vegetables, seasonal vegetables and fruits should be consumed in plenty which will provide vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, vitamin C, beta-carotene and are also rich in dietary fibre.
  • Milk and its products should be taken in adequate amounts as this is the best source of calcium.
  • Also, keep a check on the total fat consumption. Fried and bakery should be consumed in moderation and not as a part of daily diet.
  • Simultaneously, frequent meals like 5-6 meals in a day is also important.
  • On the whole, in addition to consumption of a nutritious well-balanced diet, appropriate lifestyle practices and involvement in physical activity such as games/sports should be encouraged among children and adolescents.
  • Avoid junk food, fast food and highly processed foods.
  • Please Avoid extreme diets meant for weight loss as they may be dangerous for health.
  • Avoid too-much fat and sugar rich foods and beverages.
  • Abstain from smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast

Dealing with children having obesity:

  • During childhood and adolescents days, family plays an important role in helping child build healthy eating, drinking, physical activity, and sleep habits.
  • Parents should be a good role model indeed for their children. They should consume healthy foods and drinks, and choose active pastimes to encourage their children.
  • They should discuss how about benefits of physical activities and certain foods and drinks may help their bodies get strong and stay healthy.
  • Subsequently, chat about how to make healthy choices about food, drinks, and activities at school, at friends’ houses, and at other places outside your home.
  • Also, promote portion control.
  • Similarly, make simple changes to one’s daily routine.
  • For instance, take the stairs, park at the furthest spot, get off the bus stop, and walk the rest of the way.
  • In addition, attitude should be positive and supportive. 
  • In fact, avoid using food as a punishment or as a reward. 
  • Moreover, when managing children’s behaviour select incentives, rewards, and consequences that do not involve food.
  • Last but not least, their screen time should be reduced and sleep for 7-8 hours is essential for their health.

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