Priyanka Yadav

Smoking and diet management

A comprehensive guide on smoking and diet management

Smoking has become a trend these days. People tend to smoke just to look cool in front of their friends without even thinking of any health consequences. The habit which starts as a show off becomes a part of their lifestyle. And it becomes really difficult for them to neglect the craving for the nicotine. This leads to frequent smoking which can impact their life heavily. Hence smoking and diet need a discussion together.

Did you know that smoking affects their health as well as their loved ones? Well yes, smoking is injurious to the smoker and non-smoker around them. Let’s have a look at the health risks due to smoking!

What are risks of smoking to the smokers?

Well, there are many health problems caused by the smoking including death.

  • Smoking harms nearly every bodily organ in the organ system of the body and diminishes a person’s overall health. It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.
  • It also causes heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysm (a balloon-like bulge in an artery), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts, and worsens asthma symptoms in adults.
  • Smokers are also at a higher risk of developing pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other airway infections. In addition, smoking causes inflammation and impairs immune function.
  • Smoking for female makes it harder to get pregnant. Also, a pregnant smoker is at a higher risk of miscarriage, having an ectopic pregnancy, having her baby born too early and with an abnormally low birth weight, and having her baby born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate. Moreover, a woman who smokes during or after pregnancy increases her infant’s risk of death from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Note: The longer a smoker’s duration of smoking, the greater their likelihood of experiencing harm from smoking, including earlier death.

What are the risks of smoking to nonsmokers?

Non-smokers are also know as secondhand smoker who consumes smoke by the combination of “side-stream” smoke (the smoke given off by a burning tobacco product) and “main-stream” smoke (the smoke exhaled by a smoker).

  • Inhaling secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer in nonsmoking people.
  • Secondhand smoke causes disease and premature death in nonsmoking adults and children.
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke irritates the airways and has immediate harmful effects on a person’s heart and blood vessels. It increases the risk of heart disease by an estimated 25 to 30%.
  • Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk of having a baby with a small reduction in birth weight.        
  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of SIDS, ear infections, colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Secondhand smoke exposure can also increase the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms among children who have asthma.

Role of diet in quitting smoking:

Did you know that diet can be beneficial in quitting smoking? Well yes, it plays a major role. Here are some examples for you.

When you’re trying to quit, what you choose to eat can help you stay the course. There are some foods that can increase your chances of staying smoke free for good and some may make the habit harder to let go. Here’s what to eat and what to skip when you’re trying to stay smoke free.

Let’s first have a look at the foods that are beneficial in smoking cessation!

Fruits and vegetables: It is a well-known fact that cigarettes hinders the absorption of important nutrients. Such as calcium and vitamins C and D. And incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet will restore these nutrients and, as some research suggests may help with reducing cravings to smoke.

According to a study published in 2013 in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, the researchers analyzed 1,000 smokers, they found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables were 3 times more likely to have stayed smoke-free for at least the past 30 days compared with those who noshed on the least.

Ginseng/ginger Tea: Ginseng may be therapeutic for people with nicotine addiction. Because it may weaken the effect of dopamine that is associated with pleasure and is released when smoking tobacco. Thus, drinking ginseng tea could reduce the appeal of smoking and make it less enjoyable.

Milk and dairy: Smokers have reported that drinking milk made cigarettes taste worse or gives a bitter aftertaste. So, when you are facing a craving, consuming milk and other dairy products that make cigarettes taste bad might help deter smokers from cigarettes. If you feel a craving coming on, reach for a glass of milk instead of a cigarette.

Sugar-free gum and mints: Chewing gum and mints can keep your mouth busy when you have an urge to smoke.

Now, let’s first have a look at the foods that are worst for you in quitting smoking!

Coffee: Coffee contains caffeine which may stimulate the effects of cigarettes. If you’re trying to quit, it is best switching to tea for a week or two to help break your habit of smoking.

Alcohol: It is a common habit of smoking while drinking. These things are so intimately linked, people don’t even have to think about lighting a cigarette when they have a beer. It happens automatically. That’s why, always try to abstain from alcohol during your first smoke-free month as the risk of a smoking relapse is highest. After that, you can limit yourself to 1-2 drinks as having more than that can affect your craving for cigarette.

Here are few commonly asked questions to help you know better about smoking and its effects!

Did you know that smoking can affect your taste buds?

Yes, you heard it right. When you smoke, it supplies the brain with nicotine which alters and suppresses a smoker’s ability to taste flavours. In addition, the reduced oxygen supply from inhaling tobacco smoke also contributes to the dulling of flavour in the mouth. 

Smoking cessation can help your sense of taste to return?

Complete cessation of smoke can help your taste buds as levels of nicotine in the body fall. It only takes few hours for nicotine to to be completely out of a person’s system and once the nicotine has left the body, food begins to taste better and flavours are more recognizable. 

Did you know that heavy smoking can suppress appetite?

In suppressing a person’s appetite, nicotine play a major role in that. It is because of its effect on the brain and the central nervous system. The tar and carbon monoxide from the cigarettes can cause morbidities such as cancer, lung disease and coronary heart disease. That’s why, a healthy diet with different food groups is important for people’s health, and smoking cessation will increase your taste of a wider number of foods. 

Can smoking affect sense of smell?

Yes, it can. Smoking irritates the nasal passage which can cause inflammation and impair your sense of smell.

Can smoking hinder nutrients absorption?

Smoking is an anti-nutrient. It affects the body’s ability to absorb a variety of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and mineral absorption is diminished by nicotine, and is more likely to be drained from stores within the body. For instance, a single cigarette that is smoked robs the body of 25mg of vitamin C, which makes these people deficient in vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant). And smoking accelerates free radical production that damages tissues and organs. But because smokers have less vitamin C at their disposal to fight this free radical damage, they are more prone to illness than non-smokers. Smokers are also at a higher risk of osteoporosis because smoking affects the absorption of vitamin D, which is essential for the formation and maintenance of strong bones. 

Can smoking cessation affect your body in a positive way?

Yes, it certainly can. Stopping smoking has a major positive impact on a person’s health, energy and fitness. It will be really difficult for you for the first few weeks of quitting due to withdrawal symptoms and learning to cope with strong urges to smoke. However, after 2-3 days the lungs are clear of carbon monoxide and by the end of day 3, your breathing should become easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase. After stopping smoking your circulation will also improve.

How to deal with cigarette cravings?

It is very common to crave for a smoke after quitting it. These are after effects or withdrawal symptoms of cigarette quitting. Here are some tips for you to handle your cravings.

  1. Chew gum: Chewing a gum after a meal can be highly effective at reducing cravings for a cigarette. This is because the chewing action keeps your mouth busy and helps fight nicotine withdrawal.
  2. Eat raw fruits and vegetables: Eating a small amount of fruits and raw vegetables can help reduce cravings and limit weight gain as people tend to gain weight after quitting smoking. If fruits and vegetables are not working for you then you can opt for sugar-free sweets which can distract your cravings.
  3. Take deep breaths: Taking deep breaths can help you relax and keep your mind focused. You can find a quiet spot where you can relax, breathe deeply and have a cup of herbal tea to calm your nerves. This helps your heart rate to slow down and you should feel calmer.
  4. Give yourself 15 minutes: If you are craving for a smoke, then give yourself just 15 minutes for the cigarette craving to pass. You can read a book, listen to music, or watch a movie to distract yourself, play a game on your mobile phone, text a friend or go for a short walk. And before you know it, the craving will pass since they typically only last a few minutes.

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How to make mug dhokla?

Dhokla’s are super delicious, spongy but dhokla in a mug. Sounds weird, right? But just like pizza mug, we also have a dhokla mug. This is a modern twist in the traditionally loved Gujarati dhokla which makes it hassle-free for you.

This recipe is not just mouth-watering but also healthy. And, if you haven’t tasted this mug dhokla then you’re missing out on a whole lot. That’s why we have brought to you the simplest yet tempting, hassle-free and most effective recipe just for you.

Looking for more dhokla recipes. Try suji instant dhokla, pea dhokla, Dhokla with moong dal sprouts

Mug dhokla is easily to make and the result will be light, fluffy, spongy dhoklas that can be scooped out with a spoon. Dhoklas are nutritious and low on calories and hence you can gobble these down guilt-free. So, let’s look into its recipe!

Preparation time:

Cooking time:

Total time:



  •  Besan-1 cup
  • Yogurt-1 cup
  • Ginger chilli paste-1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
  • Oil-1/2 tbsp
  • Salt-1 tsp
  • Fruit salt or eno-1/2 tsp
  • Sugar-1/2 tsp
  • Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
  • Hing, a pinch
  • Red chilli-1
  • Curry leaves-6

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, begin by adding a cup of besan in a big bowl. Now, add some turmeric powder and sprinkle some fruit salt or eno and sugar, ginger chilli paste to the bowl along with required amount of oil. Also, pour a cup of yoghurt in to this mixture and mix well with a whisker.
  • Secondly, add some water to this mixture and mix well till you see a smooth consistency in the batter. Also, add salt to combine all the flavors.
  • Next, pour this batter into a microwave-friendly mug and microwave it for 3-4 minutes. (Pro-tip: You can make in pressure cooker if you do not have a microwave)
  • Further, prepare the tempering for the mug dhokla. Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and once the mustard seeds start spluttering, add a small pinch of asafoetida and some curry leaves along with chopped red chillies.
  • Lastly, pour this tempering on the mug dhokla.
  • Finally, your mug dhokla is ready.

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khakhra with sprouted moong

How to make Khakhra with sprouted moong?

Khakhra with sprouted moong is an exciting and a unique combination of the classic Gujarati crushed khakhra and some sprouted green gram, flavoured with Indian spices. You can garnish it with some freshly chopped coriander leaves and serve this delicious dish immediately so the khakhras don’t get soggy!

You can use any khakhra such as whole wheat or millet for this dish which will make it equally delicious. Also, if you want to use vegetables of your choice, you can use them. And, the addition of lemon juice will be great for your taste buds and better absorption of nutrients.

Looking for more unique recipes. Methi muthia, dal fara

This Gujarati recipe is not only wholesome and nutritious but also high protein recipe which tastes good and also light on the stomach. This dish can make a hearty meal for you. This is a great combination of crunchy and tangy. And, also healthy, tasty and filling for you. If you are looking for something different and delicious, then you should definitely try our Khakhra with sprouted moong. I am sure that you will be left stunned with it’s taste.

So, without any due, let’s jump to the recipe!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes

Serving: 2


  • Moong Dal-1 cup
  • Tomatoes, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Cucumber, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Onion, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Lemon juice-1 tbsp
  • Pepper-1/2 tsp
  • Khakra, brken into pieces-2
  • Salt, to taste
  • Coriander leaves, finely chopped-2 tbsp
  • Chili powder-1 tsp (optional)

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, steam sprouted moong few minutes.
  • Meanwhile, chop all the vegetables such as tomato, cucumber, onion.
  • Next, take a bowl and mix all the chopped vegetables with steamed moong sprouts and khakhra.
  • Further, toss it with lemon juice, salt, pepper and red chili powder.
  • Finally, serve the khakhra with sprouted moong with coriander garnishing.

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Bajra rotla

How to make bajra rotla chivda?

Ever thought about giving the leftover rotis a makeover. If not, let’s try it now.

Rotis are the most popular as well as staple flatbreads in Indian households. And the chance of them being a leftover are very common. At times there are a bit too many and if this happens to millet-based rotis like Bajra roti, they become a bit drier. Also, none of us wants to chew through the dry rotis. So, let’s opt for an alternative. Bajra roti chivda comes forth as a tea time snack or a lunch as well as dinner special.

Moreover, this is a perfect way to not only eat something very delicious but also nutritious. A basic tempering of cumin and mustard seeds can make this dry roti into something outstanding. Why don’t you try this yourself and let’s us know how you like it? I can tell you for sure that you will enjoy this unique recipe and will crave for more!

Looking for more unique recipes, try Buddha bowl, Thukpa

If you are bored of your normal rotis then let’s give them a twist of deliciousness. So, let’s look into the recipes.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Serving: 2


  • Bajra rotis-4
  • Oil-1 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
  • Cumin seeds (jeera)-1/2 tsp
  • Hing, a pinch
  • Curry leaves-10
  • Onion, chopped-1
  • Green chilli, chopped-1-2 (optional)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Red chilli powder-1/2 tsp

For garnish

  • Tomatoes, chopped-1
  • Coriander leaves, chopped-1 tbsp

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, shred the rotis and set them aside.
  • Secondly, chop the onions, green chillies and also set them aside.
  • Next, heat oil in frying pan and add the mustard seeds, hing and cumin seeds and also let them roast on medium heat till the mustard crackles.
  • Now, add the chopped onions, curry leaves and saute well.
  • Further, add the salt, red chilli powder and add the shredded rotis and saute well till the spices are well mixed.
  • Finally, garnish with fresh chopped tomato and coriander leaves.

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Vegetable appe

How to make vegetable appe?

Vegetable appe is a South Indian recipe which is known by many names in different states. For instance, paniyaram in tamilnadu, paddu in karnataka and ponganalu in telugu. The best thing about this is that it you can make it either with leftover idli batter or dosa batter. You can also make it in an instant with semolina.

This recipe is very quick and easy to make and also tastes great. Vegetable appam tastes great and can also be packed for lunch box.

If you love South Indian cuisine, try these recipes! idli kebab, Ragi dosa, Palak Paneer Dosa

Let’s quickly dig into the recipe!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes

Serving: 4-5


  • Semolina (sooji)-1 cup
  • Curd-3/4 cup
  • Salt, to taste
  • Oil, for greasing and cooking-2 tsp
  • Green chilli, finely chopped-1-2
  • Onion, finely chopped-1/4 cup
  • Carrot, grated-1/4 cup
  • Curry leaves, chopped-4-5
  • Coriander leaves, finely chopped-2 tbsp
  • Baking soda, a pinch

Method of cooking:

  • Firstly, take a large bowl and combine semolina, curd and salt in it and mix well to form a fine paste without any lumps.
  • Secondly, add ½ cup of water or as required to make a thick batter and keep it aside.
  • Next, heat oil in a kadhai and add chopped green chilli, curry leaves and onions in it and saute for a minute or till onions turns slightly golden and transfer this to the already prepared semolina batter. Also, add the coriander leaves and combine well.
  • Next, leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Furthermore, add a pinch baking soda just before preparing appe and combine well.
  • Now, heat appe pan or idli stand and add brush the holes with few drops of oil.
  • Next, fill the holes with a spoonful of batter in each and cover it.
  • Now, cook until appe gets cooked slightly and once the base turns golden, flip it over to the other side using a spoon and cook on low heat until it turns golden brown.
  • Finally, serve these vegetable appe with chutney of your choice.

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idly kebabs

How to make idli kebab quickly at home?

Idlis are amazing. They are basically steamed cakes that are made of fermented rice and lentil mixture or semolina mixture. But, what do you think of idli kebab? We have heard about mutton kebab, chicken kebab but idli kebab, sounds little weird and may be different. But idli kebabs have a great taste and these are really easy to make.

Idli kebabs, the name itself is very tempting but the taste is also amazing. These delicious and also healthy kebabs can made from fresh mad or leftover idli and some fresh veggies. The taste is too good to be true. Just try it yourself and you will know the difference between normal idli and idli kebab.

Also, it is a nice way of transforming left-over idlis into an amazing and delicious dish.

More idli recipe! suji idlis at home, Ragi idli with coconut chutney

So, lets quickly have a look at the recipe!

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time: 50 minutes

Serving: 2-3


  • Idli, crushed or mashed-5-6
  • Green peas 2 tbsp
  • Grated carrot 1/2 cup
  • Chopped coriander leaves: 2 tbsp
  • Red chili-1/2 tsp
  • Garam masala-1/2 tsp
  • Hing, a pinch
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil, for tadka: 2 tsp
  • Oil, for grilling: 2 tbsp
  • Toothpick, for kebabs

For coriander coconut chutney:

  • Coconut: 1/2 cup
  • Coriander leaves: 1-2 tbsp
  • Green chilli: 3
  • Curry leaves: 3-4
  • Salt, to taste
  • Mustard seeds-1 tsp
  • Red chili, whole-2
  • Hing, a pinch
  • Curry leaves-3-4

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, take a bowl and crumble all the idlis and keep it aside.
  • Secondly, prepare the chutney for the kebabs. For that, take coconut, coriander leaves, green chilli, curry leaves and salt in a blender and then blend it till the fine paste.
  • Next, prepare a tadka for the chutney. Heat a pan with oil in it, then add mustard seeds and curry leaves and wait until they splutter then add red chilli in the pan. Now, the tadka is ready and pour it into the chutney.
  • Further, heat another pan with oil and add red chili powder, garam masala, hing, turmeric powder, grated carrots and peas in the pan and mix thoroughly. Next, add salt, chopped coriander leaves and crumbled idlis in the pan and mix well and turn off the stove.
  • Next, take a spoonful mixture into your hands and shape it into the cylindrical kebab and then insert the toothpick in the centre of the kebab. Also, repeat the same mixture for all the kebabs.
  • Lastly, heat a griller or a pan with oil coating in it and put the prepared idli kebabs in it and cook from both sides till golden brown. (Pro tip: brush some oil on side of kebab if neede)
  • Finally, serve these delicious kebabs with the coconut coriander chutney.

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Dal dhansak

How to make dal dhansak?

Dal dhansak is a traditional parsi dish which is usually made with meat but this is a vegetarian version. It is an interesting combination of dals (dhan) and vegetables (saak) with loads of spices to make it a mouth-watering dish. Also, a flavorful masala called the dhansak masala makes this dish very special and unique.

Moreover, dals ought to be soupy but dhansak is thick but pourable. It is best accompanied with rice which makes not only wholesome but also nutritious. It can also be served with bread which makes it a very interesting combination.

If you love pulses, then this is the one you will not want to miss and it is also quite easy to make. In addition, it is vegan, gluten-free and soy-free.

Also, try Gujarati Dal Dhokli, Palak Wali Dal.

So, let’s quickly dig into the recipe!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes

Total time: 35-40 minutes

Serving: 2 to 3


  • Toor dal-1 cup
  • Brinjal, diced-1/2 cup
  • Pumpkin, diced-1/2 cup
  • Coriander leaves/kasuri methi-1/4 cup
  • Onion, diced-1/2 cup
  • Tomato puree-1 cup
  • Turmeric powder-1 tsp
  • Red chili powder-1 tsp
  • Garam masala-1 tsp
  • Coriander masala-1 tsp
  • Dhansak masala-2 tsp
  • Cumin powder-1 tsp
  • Salt, to taste

For the tadka:

  • Oil-1 tbsp
  • Ginger-garlic paste-1 tsp
  • Red chili powder-1 tsp

Dal Dhansak Masala

Check and clean all ingredients for debris and keep in sunlight for 1 day. Roast on Tava taking care to prevent scorching then let it cool down. Then grind into a powder in a Mixer Grinder or Masala chakki. Let the Masala cool. Sieve and fill in airtight containers. Or if you dont get time to make the masala at home then you can buy the Ready made masala available in the market.

Following are the ingredients you can use to make Dhansak masala.

250gm Coriander seeds (Dhanya seeds)

50gm Cumin (Jeera Seeds)

20gm Black Pepper (Kali Mirchi)

20gm Fenugreek seeds (Methi seeds) (Omit if you are allergic to fenugreek)

20gm Black Mustard seeds (Rai)

50gm Red Chilies

25gm Haldi (Turmeric powder)

10gm Tej Patta

3-4 Kaale phool (Black Flower shaped anise pods)

1 tsp Lavang (Cloves)

3-4 Dalchini (Cinnamon sticks)

1 tsp Dry Soonth (Ginger powder)

1 tsp Elaichi (Cardamom powder)

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, take a pressure cooker and add toor dal, diced pumpkin, brinjal, onion, tomato puree, coriander/kasuri methi and all the spices mentioned in the ingredients along with 2 cups of water and give it a good mix. Next, cover the lid of the cooker and cook it for 3-4 whistles.
  • After 3-4 whistles, turn off the stove and mash the mixture properly.
  • Next, heat oil in a wok and then add ginger-garlic paste and cook it for 30-40 seconds. After it turns golden, then add red chili powder.
  • Lastly, add the mashed dal mixture in the wok and mix it well.
  • Finally, serve this dal dhansak with rice or chapati.

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paneer steak bowl

How to make Paneer steak bowl?

You must have heard about many types of steaks like beef steak, ribeye steak, tenderloin steak, etc but paneer steak? Maybe not. But how about a paneer steak bowl. This bowl is a wholesome, nutritious and also a very delicious which will soothe your taste buds. This bowl consists of grilled paneer steak along with tomato rice and also garnished with roasted sesame seeds and chopped lettuce/cabbage leaves.

If you are a paneer lover then you cannot miss out on these recipes. paneer tikka salad, Stir fry garlic paneer recipe.

So, let’s dig into the recipe!

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Total time: 40 minutes
  • Serving: 1

Ingredients for paneer steak:

  • Paneer, long and horizontal-2 pieces
  • Oil-1 tbsp
  • Garlic powder-1 tsp
  • Lemon juice-1 tbsp
  • Red chili powder-1/2 tsp
  • Red chili flakes-1/2 tsp
  • Oregano-1/2 tsp
  • Black pepper powder-1/2 tsp
  • Salt-1/2 tsp

Ingredients for tomato rice:

  • Steamed rice-1 katori
  • Ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
  • Tomato puree-1 cup
  • Red chili powder-1 tsp
  • Mixed herbs-1 tsp
  • Salt-1 tsp
  • Broccoli, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Carrot, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Baby corn, chopped-1/4 cup

For garnishing:

  • Lettuce/cabbage leaves, chopped-1/4 cup
  • Roasted sesame seeds-1 tsp

Method of preparation of paneer steak bowl:

  • Firstly, prepare a coating for the steak. In a small katori, make a oil mixture with oil, garlic powder, lemon juice, red chili powder, oregano, chili flakes and black pepper powder and also give it a mix.
  • Secondly, heat a pan or a griller and pour a spoonful of this oil mixture on one side of the paneer and grill it till golden brown and flip it to the other side. Again, pour mixture on the other side and then grill it. Also, repeat the same process with other paneer steak.
  • Next, for the tomato rice, heat a pan with 1 tsp oil and add ginger garlic paste and saute for 30 seconds. Next, add chopped vegetables such as broccoli, baby corn and carrot and saute it well.
  • Further, add tomato puree and cook for 2-3 minutes then add red chili powder, salt and mix herbs in the pure and then add steamed rice in the sauce and mix it well and keep aside.
  • Lastly, take a bowl and add the tomato rice in one side, paneer steak at the other side
  • Finally, serve this paneer steak bowl with chopped lettuce and roasted sesame seeds.

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How to make Thukpa at home?

Thukpa is a spicy Tibetan noodle soup which is among the popular noodle soups in India.  Thukpa noodle soup can be prepared with veggies as well as meat. This is very easy to make and also perfect for your lunch or dinner option.

This recipe includes vegetables such as are green onion, tomatoes, cabbage, carrot and mushrooms which not only makes it tasty but nutritious also. You can also add other vegetables of your choice as per your availability at the time.

If you want to try something delicious and different, then you have come to the right place. You should try this recipe! I am sure you will definitely like it. We have included veg and non veg recipes for thukpa so you can try whatever you like.

So, let dig into the recipes!

Vegetable thukpa:

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time: 40 minutes

Serving time: 2-3

Ingredients for vegetable thukpa:

  • Hakka noodles-1 packet
  • Sesame Oil/virgin olive oil-1 tbsp
  • Ginger paste-1/2 tbsp
  • Garlic cloves, chopped finely-3-4
  • Green Onion, chopped-1 cup
  • Tomato, chopped-1 cup
  • Cabbage, shredded-1 cup
  • Carrot, sliced-1 cup
  • Mushrooms, cut into 4 pieces-1/2 cup
  • Vegetable stock-3 cup
  • Sweet Chilli Sauce – 2 tbsps
  • Soy Sauce – 2 tsp
  • Cumin powder – 1 tsp
  • Garam Masala – 1 tsp
  • Salt, to taste
  • Coriander Leaves, for garnishing

Method of preparation for vegetable thukpa:

  • Firstly, boil 3-4 cups water in a deep pan and cook the noodles and once cooked, drain the water and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, chop all your vegetables and set them aside.
  • Further, heat the saucepan, add sesame/olive oil, ginger paste, garlic and saute well for a minute.
  • Next, add chopped green onions, tomato, cabbage, carrot, mushroom and saute well.
  • Now, add garam masala, sweet chili sauce, soy sauce and mix well.
  • Moreover, add vegetable broth and let it cook on medium flame for 5 minutes and then add cumin powder and salt and mix well.
  • Lastly, add hakka noodles and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Finally, your thukpa is ready. Serve it with coriander leaves garnishing.

Chicken thukpa:

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time: 45 minutes

Serving: 2

Ingredients for chicken thukpa:

  • Chicken legs-2
  • Hakka noodles-1 packet
  • Onion, chopped-1/2 cup
  • Carrot, thinly sliced-1/2 cup
  • Ginger paste-1/2 tbsp
  • Spring onions, chopped-1/2 cup
  • Garlic cloves-3-4
  • Salt, to taste
  • Soy sauce-1 tsp
  • Olive oil/sesame oil-2 tbps
  • Coriander leaves, for garnishing

Method of preparation for chicken thukpa:

  • Firstly, chop all the vegetables and also finely chop garlic cloves.
  • Secondly, heat the olive/sesame oil and shallow fry the chicken till it turns light brown.
  • Now, add ginger, paste, chopped garlic and chopped onion and saute well till golden brown.
  • Next, add sliced carrot, spring onions to the chicken. And sprinkle some salt, pepper and saute.
  • Further, add 2 cup of water and let it simmer for about 2-3 minutes. And, add soya sauce and stir the broth gently and let it simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  • Next, remove the chicken from the broth and shred it and keep it outside. Further, add hakka noodles in the broth and cook for 7-8 minutes.
  • Lastly, add the shredded chicken back in the broth and let it cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Finally, garnish your chicken thukpa with some fresh coriander.

(Pro tip: You can pre-boil your noodles or can boil them with the broth)

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buddha bowl

How to make the Buddha bowl at home?

Have you ever heard of Buddha bowl? Well, you may have if you have been active on social media in past few years. You may also be wondering why do we call it a buddha bowl? Well, when we eat from a bowl with a wide top, it signifies Buddha’s belly!

A buddha bowl is a vegetarian meal bowl which is served in a bowl or plate and consists of small portions of several foods groups. And also served cold. The food groups may include whole grains such as quinoa or brown rice, plant sources such as chickpeas or tofu, and vegetables. 

The bowl is really colorful, nutritious and also satisfying. Moreover, this bowl contains most of the nutrients such as macronutrients and micronutrients that your body needs for the proper functioning.

So, let’s create a buddha bowl of your own!

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time: 1 hour

Serving: 1


  • Brown rice-1/2 cup
  • Chickpeas-1/2 cup
  • Carrot, chopped-1
  • Cabbage, shredded-1/2 cup
  • Squeeze of lemon-1 tbsp
  • Salt, to taste
  • Kale/lettuce, chopped-5-6 leaves
  • Sesame seeds or hemp seeds-1 tbsp
  • Sodium tamari sauce or soy sauce, to taste
  • Cucumber, very thinly sliced-1
  • Green onion, thinly chopped-1/4 cup

Method of preparation:

  • Firstly, pour the 2-3 cups of water in a large pot and once the water is boiling, add the rice and boil for 10-15 minutes. Now, drain the water and also combine it with tamari or soy sauce seasoning and set is aside.
  • Also, boil the chickpeas for 10-15 minutes and after draining the water, set it aside.
  • Meanwhile, chop all the vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, lettuce/kale, cucumber, green onion and toss them thoroughly with a squeeze of lemon, salt and set aside.
  • Next, assemble a bowl with the steamed and seasoned brown rice, boiled chickpeas, chopped kale/lettuce, carrot, cucumber, cabbage. Now, top it off with some sesame or hemp seeds, salt and pepper and voila! your own buddha bowl is ready.

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